

Life is a coding,I will debug it.

There must always be dreams.

Time never speaks, but it says everything.


I am a nostalgic person, just like some people say "nostalgic people always seem like scavengers". But it seems that everyone ignores the next sentence, "So I always look at you, who is bright and beautiful, in coarse clothes and burlap."
I am such a person, treating past events and past people as if they are still familiar.


立夏 (the beginning of summer) has arrived, and the weather in Sichuan is still scorching.

Perhaps it is because I see my mediocrity, or perhaps it is because I see my various shortcomings, the weather seems especially hot, and there is also a sense of helplessness and frustration about what I should do now and what plans I should have for the future. It is difficult for me.

"There are 100 days left until the college entrance examination," a sudden voice broke the illusion. I looked at the countdown on the blackboard and looked around, looking at the classmates around me. Only a few of them were still looking up at the blackboard, and most of the classmates had their heads buried, either sleeping or playing with their phones. As for me, I usually hover between studying and not studying, and my scores have always been around 400 points. As for the college entrance examination, my idea is to just get into a university. My daily life is just a routine job. I won't study for a while when I return home at night. Like this, day after day passed. After the college entrance examination, I didn't have many thoughts. I just ignited the idea of retaking the exam. Maybe it was just a thought, but it seems that God gave me such an opportunity. The scores of my usual tests were around 400 points, which is not enough to get into a good vocational college. However, I entered a second-tier university with a score of 483. In my high school, it is already very good for a class to have a few undergraduate students, and it is precisely because of this opportunity.

Before I entered school, I bought a book on C programming by Tan Haoqiang (the father of C language 😂😂😂). This was also my first contact with programming. I still vaguely remember the first program I wrote, which was also the most impressive program. It was a program to solve quadratic equations. At that time, I showed off to my good friends everywhere. I learned through self-study every day, to be honest, I didn't learn too much during that time. I was always unable to focus on things, mainly because of my bad study habits. But I continued to study like this until the school started, 😍. I was a little excited when I first came to school, and I was full of enthusiasm for everything. I still vaguely remember being fooled by my senior brother to interview for a department during the promotion. When they promoted it, they said it was okay, just give it a try (yes, I went), I went there confidently, 😭😭😭, but it was different from what I imagined. I can't describe how awkward it was. At that time, I was emo. But fortunately, later, I learned that our school had a laboratory recruitment. To be honest, I was very excited (I have already left now). When I learned about the recruitment, I was particularly excited and prepared for the interview early. I still remember how passionate I was at that time. Until I successfully entered the laboratory, I also punched in on time every day and studied in the laboratory. I successfully passed several assessments and stayed in the laboratory, but later I found that the laboratory was not what I imagined. I had to explore everything on my own, and there were few opportunities to communicate with senior brothers. Most people just treat the laboratory as a self-study room.


Worship of Technology#

After a semester of study, my thoughts have changed, that is, the worship of technology. As for the final exams, I just wanted to pass. Of course, my grades were not good, but I still didn't care.

When it comes to worshiping technology, whenever I see the projects of the masters, I always think about when I can be so skilled. But looking back, was I really studying seriously during that time? It doesn't seem like it now. Instead, I wasted a lot of time, didn't plan my study schedule well, and didn't have good study habits. Looking back, I still regret it, I wasted a lot of time.



As for tomorrow, my thoughts...

while live:
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