

Life is a coding,I will debug it.

Can't think of a suitable title

Just arrived at school, and I'm already looking forward to the nine-day National Day holiday (exclusive benefit of the school 😀).

In the blink of an eye, I'm already a junior. Watching the new batch of younger students come to the university campus with anticipation, I can't help but feel emotional. Seeing them taking pictures of the sunrise and sunset almost every day, I can't help but feel a bit strange, thinking to myself, "What's so special about taking these photos?" But then I suddenly wake up and realize that I used to be the same way. I came here with anticipation for university life, exploring the campus, watching the sunrise and sunset, taking photos of anything I found interesting, just to capture the memories of that moment. Unknowingly, my own university life has started its countdown. As for when it started, I don't think anyone cares.

Now, looking back, I used to think that in the end, time would erode everything away, whether it's people or things, turning them into mere memories in our minds. But time won't stop and wait for you.

It's strange to say, but our school only starts to divide into different directions in the third year, and there are only two options: "Java web" and "web front-end". I chose "web front-end", so I'm still learning "html" in my current courses. Here, I have to complain a bit. We have to go for an internship in the third year, and this so-called internship is actually going to an "IT training institution", where they make you study for about ten days and then ask you to enroll in their classes (speechless). Moreover, this internship is mandatory. I even suspect that the training institution gets a commission for recruiting students for the school. It's simply ironic.

What I've been doing recently:

  • Watching anime (Summer Reunion is really good 😍)
  • Solving algorithm problems every day
  • Memorizing English words every day (already persisted for 157 days)
  • Reading something related to English every day (currently reading "American Children's Literature" 😁, starting with something simple to cultivate interest)
  • Preparing for the College English Test Band 4 (already taken it three times 😭😭😭, please save me)
  • Preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination
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